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Textile & Fabric

Step into a world of endless possibilities as we combine the art of design with the precision of fabric manipulation.

Our dedicated team of skilled artisans and seamstresses bring your creative vision to fruition, transforming ordinary fabrics into extraordinary creations.

From custom apparel and upholstery to specialized textile installations, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional quality and attention to detail in every project.

Fabrics and textiles often constitute the finishing touches on a project, and with that in mind, our craftsmen recognize the importance of finishing objects to an expert level. They’re skilled artisans who manipulate fabrics with precision into beautiful products.

Sometimes though, fabrics and textiles constitute the entire project. In those cases, we call on the art of design to bring client’s creative vision to fruition. We’ve created specialized textile installations for art pieces and marketing actuations, custom apparel and upholstery.


  • Leather
  • Metal
  • Natural Textiles
  • Synthetic Textiles


  • Leatherwork
  • Metal Forming for Wardrobe
  • Armor Making
  • Sewing
  • Embroidery
  • Weaving
  • Dyeing
  • Printing